Coach House - Blunderbus Old Porter |  |  |
Coach House - Blunderbus Old Porter |
Brewed by | Coach House (Warrington, Cheshire) | ABV | 5.5 % | Tasting notes | Award winning porter |
Recommendations |  |  | If you like this beer, why not try these other similar beers as well. Remember though that beer has taste, so while they are similar beers they will all taste different. Some you will like, others you may not. Ask for a taste first if you aren't sure.
Brewed By | Beer | ABV (%) | Tasting Notes |
Allgates | Porteresque | 4.4 | Dark, rich classic porter with roasted malt flavours | Bank Top | Port O Call | 5 | Roast barley with port overtones - not mild! | Boggart | Waterloo Sunset | 5 | Traditional porter with oak roast finish | Northern | Deep Dark Secret | 5.2 | Liquorice porter | Phoenix | Porter | 5 | Dark, smooth, winter brew
Mrs Otto says An excellent introduction into the world that is the dark side. A dark chocolate classic Porter. Bitter cocoa flavour with a hint of roasted coffee beans on the nose. A smooth, mellow drink, goes great with a bar of strong dark chocolate or a chocolate brownie and ice cream. Yummie!!!!! | Wickwar | Station Porter | 6.1 | Supreme winter beer 2008; Smooth dark ruby with aromas of coffee |
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