Medieval - Crusader

Medieval - Crusader
Brewed byMedieval (Colston Bassett, Nottinghamshire)
ABV4.4 %
Tasting notesPale ale that is a touch sweet with a refreshing citrus finish.


If you like this beer, why not try these other similar beers as well. Remember though that beer has taste, so while they are similar beers they will all taste different. Some you will like, others you may not. Ask for a taste first if you aren't sure.

Brewed ByBeerABV (%)Tasting Notes
Bank TopFlat Cap424 Of Ours
Bank Top's signature beer - pale with citrus fruit aroma and a hoppy finish.
BathamsBest Bitter4.324 Of Ours
A straw coloured bitter which initially seems sweet, but a complex, dry, hoppy taste soon predominates.
Deeply ValeStill Walking3.8Still walking. Not falling. Drink deeply!
ExmoorExmoor Gold4.524 Of Ours
Exmoor Gold is an appetising and enticing gold colour. Bittersweet with hints of citrus fruit weaving in and out.
HoltsBitter4Classic session ale with well balanced bittering hops.
Hydes1863 Beer3.5Mainly sweet with any hops fairly subtle and a light fruity aroma.
KinverEdge4.2Amber ale with fruity malt and citrus marmalade flavour and a hoppy finish.
LlangorseBeer Belly4.5A light yellow coloured refreshing and full bodied premium ale containing a grist of four different malts and three distinctive varieties of hops giving you a taste to remember.
Olde SwanEntire4.424 Of Ours
Classic Black Country quaffing ale.
RedwillowFeckless4.1A classic English bitter, but more so!

Mrs Otto says A Clear medium to dark orange amber colour with a average, frothy, good lacing, off-white head. Aroma is moderate to heavy malty, caramel, nutty, moderate to heavy hoppy, orange – citrus, spicy, light grapefruit. This is probably the kind of beer that I’m supposed to hate. I don’t. It’s awesome!
RoostersYankee4.324 Of Ours
Aroma nice flowery malt. The taste is quite amazing. It's subtle yet powerful and bitter. Very nice finish of vanilla and toffee. Nice!
St GeorgesFriar Tuck4A golden bitter brewed with a combination of hops including Styrian Goldings to give a smooth, refreshing bitter with a citrus character.
Timothy TaylorLandlord4.324 Of Ours
Another BBBB classic! A traditional Yorkshire bitter.


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